The Gap Between The Salaries Of Top CEOs And Their Employees Will Leave You Astonished

Shabdita Pareek

Everyone knows that CEOs of top-notch companies receive hefty salaries. However, when these salaries are compared to the average salary of their employees, the results are sure to take you by surprise!

Glassdoor recently released a study report called Sneak Preview that tells us the ratio between the pay of the CEOs’ total annual salary to the median salary of the company’s workers.

On an average, a CEO receives 204 times the median salary received by employees.

Here’s the exact difference between the salary of the CEOs with respect to their employees:

1. Discovery Communications CEO David M. Zaslav

In 2014, while Zaslav made $156 million, the median pay of the workers was $80,000. This implies that for every 1 dollar that Discovery spends on an employee on average, the CEO receives around $2000!

2. Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz

Starbucks CEO pockets $21.4 million against $32,080 received as compensation by an average employee of the company.

3. Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella

While Nadella’s salary is $ 84.3 million per year, the average employee pay at Microsoft is $137,000. This is the widest gap in salaries of a CEO and other employees in the technology sector.

4. Oracle CEO Larry Ellison

The yearly salary of Oracle CEO is $67,261,251 and that of an average employee is $117,415.

5. Polo Ralph Lauren’s Ralph Lauren

The fashion designer and businessman receives a salary of $24.5 million in a year. The average compensation received by an employee at Ralph Lauren is $47,452.

6. Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer

Marissa Mayer earns a salary of $42.1 million per year, whereas the average employee pay of Yahoo is $137,011.

7. Apple CEO Tim Cook

The gap between employees and Apple CEO’s salary is as huge as the buzz around Apple products. He receives $9.2 million as salary, whereas an average compensation of workers (including those working at Apple stores) at Apple is $36,760 .

8. IBM CEO Ginni Rometty

While Ginni Rometty takes home $19.3 million, an average IBM employee makes $106,184 in a year.

9. Adobe CEO Shantanu Narayen

Shantanu Narayan is another CEO of Indian origin who makes $134 for each dollar that Adobe pays to an employee on average. While he makes $17.9 million in a year, the average employee pay stays at $133,322 pa.

10. eBay CEO John Donahoe

While the CEO receives $14 million as salary in a year, the average employee pay is $132,220.

Perks of being a CEO!

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