I like it. Or do I? I want it. Or do I? I’m fine. Am I fine?
Is this the kind of conversation you have with yourself most of the time? Do you feel powerless against the many options available for you? From something as simple as what to eat tonight to making life-changing decisions, have you always found yourself at war with all the confusing thoughts in your head? Have you felt helpless because you just couldn’t do anything about it?
If the answer is yes then you might just be pathologically confused. Here are 12 things only someone who is always confused can relate to:
1. You just cannot decide!
No matter how hard you try, it’s always difficult for you to come to conclusions all by yourself.
2. You over-think everything before coming to a conclusion.
Even then, the chances of you finding a solution is low.
3. You have a hard time following your own decisions.
4. You always let your friends and family make plans for you.
You sit pretty while they decide!
5. You take hours to dress up because you can’t decide what to wear.
6. You cannot prioritize anything in your life.
Whether they are everyday choices or potentially life-altering decisions, you’re never sure about what you want.
7. You take ages to place an order at a restaurant.
After staring at the menu forever, you order the same thing you’ve always ordered. Because you can’t decide what else to have!
8. You feel others are always making better choices.
In reality, they are actually making a choice while you are weighing your options!
9. In fact, you’ve missed many parking spots because you couldn’t decide where to park!
10. You never gift people anything because you can never decide what to give!
11. When it comes to vacations, you go to places people suggest or are very famous.
Because you can never decide where to go. How convenient!
12. There are times when your confusion transcends onto the people you are having a conversation with.
They have an opinion initially but then, you confuse them too.
13. You probably couldn’t decide if you wanted to read this article!
And now, you can’t decide how many of these points actually apply to you. Admit it!