15 Smartphone Apps That Will Make Every Girl Feel Safer

Sukanya Banerjee

In the age of smartphone and technology, safety has gotten just a little easier for us women. Here are just a few apps you should try out, to amp up your safety just a bit more. You know what they say, you can never be too safe!

1. SmartShehar Woman Safety Shield Protection

Just hit the emergency button and a picture along with the location will go to a predetermined list of emergency contacts. In case you lose your phone before hitting send, the app will automatically send the information within a few seconds. The “Walk With Me” feature allows those on your list to track your movements in real time.

2. VithU

This app sends a message saying “I am in danger. I need help. Please follow my location” with location update to your emergency contacts every two minutes. The app can be activated by your power button.

3. Circle of 6

Circle of 6 is a unique app that lets you connect to up to 6 close contacts. The app has different notifications that the user can tap on to alert their circle. If you need a safe ride home or for a familiar face to turn up and take you away from a strange environment, this app will help send an alert to any of your 6 chosen contacts. Moreover, it can help you get in touch with the authorities too!

4. Suspects Registry – For Women

This one also tracks location. Hitting the panic alarm notifies emergency contacts of latest location along with a minute’s recording of it. The “Record Any Incident“ feature uploads image to the app’s Facebook page . The idea is to store information remotely.

5. BSafe

Let emergency contacts follow you through a live GPS trail; set a timed alarm that goes off if you haven’t ‘checked in’; make your phone ring with a fake call ; the alert notifies emergency contacts with location, video, even siren.

6. Pukar – A Personal Safety App

Sends SMS alert with GPS location to preset emergency contacts at regular intervals. Ensures the phone itself doesn’t draw attention by making it silent and dimming the screen.

7. Watch Over Me

Lets your contacts follow you on your journey remotely. The app lets you specify how long you want it to track your GPS location, until you check in from your intended destination.If you fail to do so, it sends an emergency alert to your chosen contacts. Alternatively, in case something bad happens, you can shake your phone to trigger an emergency alert, and your phone’s camera will turn on automatically and start recording.

8. Women Safety Help Totem SOS

Choose a mode according to perceived level of danger. Use ‘green’ when you feel safe, ‘yellow’ when you are not sure and red in an emergency. Red mode lets you dial 100, transmit location, take photo every 10 seconds and record audio. Yellow mode only transmits GPS location at intervals fixed by user.

9. Raksha – Women Safety Alert

Send location alert to emergency contacts even without switching on the app by pressing volume button. Can also dial 100 and sends SMS where there is no mobile internet.

10. IGoSafely

Once activated, it alerts your contacts if you shake the phone vigorously or unplug the headphones. Emails and or text messages are sent with GPS location. Updates go out every minute till the app is disarmed. Each alert message includes your GPS position, street address (if available) and a 30-second audio recording.

11. Smart 24×7

Panic alert notifies emergency contacts; it records voices and takes photographs during the panic situation and transfers these to police. There’s a call centre and the user’s primary contact can track movements.

12. Women Safety Secured

The app recognizes shouting and crying as distress signals and sends text messages to emergency contacts with location.

13. Nirbhaya: Be Fearless

The app sends an alert to pre-added contacts with the user’s location. The user can choose to send the alert in the form of an SOS message, phone call or a Facebook post. The app also provides the user with the option of sending an alert by just shaking their phone in a situation of emergency. It also sends user’s location to chosen contacts every two hours and after 300 meter change in position.

14. Safetipin

This safety app provides users with features like GPS tracking, directions to safe locations and pins showing safe and unsafe areas on the map . Apart from the basic SOS feature of contacting the user’s friends and family in emergency situations and letting them track the users, the app has a number of other features.

15. Kavach

The latest to join the list security apps, this app is available only for android OS. Apart from the regular location update and tracking facilities, this app also boasts of other features like a letting you trigger an SOS directly from your lock screen and letting you cancel all alarms and timers by drawing a predetermined gesture.

Be safe!

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