HMPV Outbreak: Here’s Everything You Need To Know About The Virus & Its Growth In India

Manpreet Kaur

It has been five years since the world witnessed a global pandemic that caused seven million deaths globally. Recently, unverified videos of hospitals across China have emerged showing overcrowded emergency rooms due to the alleged spread of HMPV. The visuals, reminiscent of the early days of COVID-19 have raised global concerns, with panic among the masses.

While there is no official information from the WHO regarding the cases, the internet is circulating with a lot of reports about the virus and its potential risk. Here is everything you need to know about the virus, its symptoms, transmission, treatments, prevention, and the current situation in India.

What Is Human Metapneumovirus (HMPV)

According to the Cleveland Clinic, human metapneumovirus (HMPV) is a virus causing symptoms similar to a cold. The cases are usually mild and children, those with weakened immune systems, and adults over the age of 65 face a higher risk of contracting such diseases. It was first identified in 2001 and generally causes both lower and upper respiratory tract infections.

Symptoms of HMPV

The symptoms of HMPV are very similar to those of the common cold and include cough, fever, runny or stuffy nose, sore throat, wheezing, shortness of breath, and even rash. Severe cases can escalate to serious respiratory diseases pneumonia, asthma flare-ups, or make chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) worse, requiring medical intervention. The mild cases last for a few days or a week, whereas serious cases can last longer. People are more likely to get sick the first time, therefore children are at more risk. Later getting some immunity, they develop only mild symptoms if they the HMPV next time.


The spread of the virus occurs through respiratory droplets getting transferred through coughing or sneezing. It can also travel through close personal contact through handshakes or hugs or coming in direct contact with contaminated surfaces such as railings, handles, knobs, or washroom basins.

Treatment And Prevention

There aren’t any antiviral medications that treat HMPV. Mild symptoms are usually manageable at home, however, serious complications require hospital admission and remain under constant care. No antibiotics have yet proven to treat HMPV, since it is a virus.

The transmission, however, can be prevented with care and precautions.

HMPV In India: What Is The Current Situation?

At the time of writing, India has officially reported two cases of HMPV in Bengaluru – a 3-month-old and an 8-month-old. However, the infants have no travel history. According to ICMR, “It is emphasized that HMPV is already in circulation globally, including in India, and cases of respiratory illnesses associated with HMPV have been reported in various countries.” However, the top medical body also noted that India is well-equipped to handle any potential increase in illnesses. As of Friday, the Union Health Ministry also stated that it was closely monitoring the alleged outbreak of Human Metapneumovirus (HMPV) in China.

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