In Case You’re Having A Hard Time With India’s Loss, Here’s A WikiHow Page To Help You Cope

Sparsh Mudgal

Coping with losses can be peculiar and can bring out a never-seen-before version of an individual, which is not that impressive to say the least. 

Just like India’s tragic and unbelievable exit courtesy an all-round performance by New Zealand, especially with the ball & on the field ousting India from the World Cup. 


India succumbed to an 18-run loss in the semi-final, leaving the entire nation grieving. 


Indian fans were a wreck and a majority were left teary-eyed, not knowing how to deal with this heartbreak. 

We too were on the same page, until we came across this beautiful offering of the internet. A WikiHow page on how to cope when your favourite team loses.

It literally has multiple ways to help you stop with the Rona-Dhona already. 


The page lists out two distinct methods. We’ll start with the first one followed by the second, hoping at least one will serve your purpose well. 

Method 1 – Reacting to the loss. 

1. Acknowledge your feelings. If you are angry or upset, don’t show otherwise. 

You can yell a bit but avoid fighting with other fans or arguing with people who enjoy seeing you sad. 


2. Talk to other fans. 

Sharing problems conveniently reduce the intensity of it. Call your friends to let off steam and cope with the disappointment of a losing team. 


3. Eating to comfort yourself. Stay healthy & hydrated. 

Surround yourself with healthy food and don’t let your stress get the better of you. Avoid overeating but always look for your ‘comfort food’, which will make you feel at ease and alter your mood for good. 


4. Turn off the TV. Stay away from toxic forums on the internet. 

Continuing watching your team’s disappointment is never a good idea. Switch off your television, go out for a walk or maybe indulge in something creative like reading a book or cooking.  


5. A little exercise won’t hurt. Might charge you positively. 

Some physical activity can be a good way to work off the frustration. A few pushups, jumping jacks, or a quick jog can help work off your stress and disappointment. 


6. Remember, it’s just a game at the end of the day. Players get over their disappointment, you should, too. 

Life is full of opportunities and better things. Don’t be too harsh on yourself and learn to take the disappointment in your ride. It won’t make you feel better, but you’ll get over it, quickly. 


Method 2 – Handling disappointment going further. 

1. Accepting the inability or impotence. Things didn’t work, never mind, try hard the next time. 

Fans cannot do anything about the outcome of a game. Go for alternative platforms like a fantasy game or a video game, where you can find your lost grip. 

Build a PS4 team or a Fantasy 11 team, to help you gain positives from every match. 


2. Stay loyal to your team. Don’t be a plastic. 

Through good times or bad, you should always be loyal to your team. Staying loyal even after a loss can ultimately boost your confidence and when your team does well, the feeling will be extra sweet. 


3. Remember the good times. Remember the moments that made you a fan. 

The legacy of a team, despite the ups and downs, will never die. You should do the same for your fanhood spirit, it shouldn’t die. Surely, you’ll find moments you can look back on fondly. 


4. Be prepared for the taunting. Expect no mercy. 

Banter is a part of sports fandom and can lead to subtle taunts, which you won’t be able to avoid always. Laugh it off or just walk away without giving them the satisfaction of knowing they got you. 

You too can reply to banter with banter. 


5. Be optimistic. Your glass, if half empty is also half full. 

The great thing about sports is that there will always be another game. Instead of dwelling in the past, think about what the future possibilities. 


6. Talk to a therapist. If nothing else helps you cope, definitely a human help might do the job. 

While being sad about your team’s loss is not a big problem, it should not have long-term effects on your emotional health. 

Just because your depression seems to be coming from the outcome of a sporting event doesn’t mean it isn’t a real concern.

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