The price of luxury is a heavy one and Rahul Bose learnt it the hard way.
The actor is currently shooting in Chandigarh and is staying at a property of a high-end hotel chain. While working out at the gym, he ordered 2 bananas and the bill he got is absurd.
Rahul Bose got charged Rs 442 for 2 bananas, GST included.
He turned to Twitter where he posted a video sharing his experience with ‘luxury’, questioning the idea behind charging such exorbitant prices for something that is really quite cheap – all because you are staying at a fancy hotel.
In the video, he shows off his beautiful suite and all the ‘elegant’ freebies hotels offer, but when it came to the fruit platter (read: 2 bananas), the sky-high bill shocked the actor. He jokingly remarked that these bananas were ‘too good for him’.