If You’ve Grown Up In A Punjabi Household, You’ll Totally Relate To These Hilarious Taunts

Grace Bains

Punjabi parents give pyaar and daant in equal proportions. Now parents everywhere might scold their kids but Punjabi parents take it a notch up with their Chhittar and Dur fitteh muuh tera. 

They’ve compared you to animals and called you everything demeaning, but mind you, in their all-so-adorable desi way. And even in their seemingly mean taunts was affection, protection and guidance that made you who you are today.

Here is a list of taunts that will make you live your Punjabi childhood all over again:

Well, say what you may, but nothing beats even the chhittar of Punjabis. 

Design Credits: Puneet Gaur and Utkarsh Tyagi

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