India’s shouter-in-chief and Republic TV managing director Arnab Goswami has landed in a soup after he claimed that during the Gujarat riots in 2002, his car was stopped by trishul-wielding mobs and he was asked his religion.
Senior journalist Rajdeep Sardesai, who was Goswami’s colleague in NDTV at the time, called out Arnab on Twitter, revealing that the Republic TV anchor was lying.
Sardesai claimed that it was he, in fact, who had faced this experience and Arnab wasn’t even covering the riots.
However, we now have solid evidence that Goswami, that gold standard of journalism, was, in fact, covering the riots diligently. Not only that, top sources have also provided us with photographic proof that Arnab has covered almost every major event in modern history.
Don’t believe us? Take a look:
1. Arnab Goswami covered the Kargil War in 1999. True story
2. Arnab exposing how Gandhi-Nehru family would loot the country for the next 60 years
3. Arnab Goswami exposing Communist-Leftist China during the Tiananmen Square protests in 1989
4. For people who berate Arnab for sitting in his studio and passing judgments, here’s a slap in the face for you. Arnab was on-ground covering the Babri Masjid demolition in 1992
5. Arnab risking his life covering the 2004 Tsunami (like he did in the recent rains in Mumbai)
6. Arnab during Mahatma Gandhi’s Dandi March
7. Arnab revealing Nehru’s incompetence during the Indo-China war of 1962