Thanks to instant messaging forms such as WhatsApp, it’s now easier than ever to stay in touch. It saves money and…Well, that’s it. Also, it allows you to wrap up things pretty quickly. Minus any forced small talk. You make your point and leave.
However, have you too ever wondered about the kind of texts our favourite superheroes might be sending to each other? I mean, had Superman sent a text to Batman, what would he have said? Or imagine getting a text by ‘merc with a mouth’ Deadpool! Wouldn’t it be awesome? Well, here’s your chance to find out.
Check out these super texts by your favourite superheroes.
1. Seriously, why would you give cash to Bruce Wayne?
2. A band called ‘Game of Thrones’ sounds awesome!
3. That’s what you get when you try to imitate the Hulk.
4. So what if you’re a superhero? A sale is a sale.
5. Spider-Man is a bad kid!
6. This is so true!
7. Because nothing beats invisibility!
8. Because I’m Batman!
9. “Bucky’s my friend.”
“But we went to have shawarma together!”
10. Nobody commits a crime on Star Wars opening night.
11. Trust Wonder Woman to think out of the box.
12. Wolverine has a point.
13. There’s a reason why Spider-Man hates the winter.
14. When Spider-Man made a hammock. From his own webs.