Earlier yesterday, the CBI raided its own headquarters and arrested its Deputy Superintendent of Police Devender Kumar in connection with bribery charges involving Rakesh Asthana.

Quite obviously, this was a very opportune moment for Twitter to have some fun and boy, they didn’t hold back!
Yeah Baby. . .
Its #CBIVsCBI 😁😁 pic.twitter.com/H0EpUj1bqB— Bejod Joda (@bejodjoda) October 24, 2018
Amidst all this chaos, Moin Qureshi be like..
(4 cbi directors, 2 spl directors, and many other IPS officers are in soup just coz of him)#CBIVsCBI pic.twitter.com/YUyzTAC8Va— Raj Shekhar Jha (@rajshekharTOI) October 22, 2018
Well, you can’t really blame Twitter for this. This is a joke that wrote itself!