10 Social Stories That Keep Us Glued To Our Phones At All Times

Thank GOD for smartphones. These nifty little devices play such a big role in our lives that sometimes imagining life without them seems impossible. And why not? It connects us with our friends, brings all the internet-breaking stuff to us and keeps all the social stories that our friends post, just a tap away. Posting stories might have become a little stale to some, but there are always some that make us fall in love with the whole thing all over again. Here are the 10 stories that I feel will never go out of style.  

1. The #SquadGoals story.

Meeting with the gang and not sharing a story is a serious crime no one would want to commit. And every time you see a friend’s story that says “Hash-tag-squad-goals”, well it is bound to make you miss your own squad. Good ol’ days, my friend!

2. The duck face selfie.

While we absolutely adore looking at duck face selfies, I think that an hourly update of the same is kind off pushing it a little. Haha, just kidding. We love how these selfies have the perfect angles and the best lighting. I am taking notes, are you?

3. The “Look-at-what-I’m-eating” story.

We wake up in the morning to scroll through our social feeds and there’s always one or two of these waiting to give us the hunger pangs for a lifetime. We’ve all had that one friend who takes a picture of the food, before actually taking a bite. Thank God for them! Because they show us just how delectable social media can be. #Foodporn4life

4. The #CutestPet4Eva story.

Show me a story about a pet doing something freakin’ adorable that didn’t have like a gazillion views and I will show you a flaw in the Internet. Pets are adorable and stories about them doing cutesy stuff is what makes everyone’s day. More of that? Yes, please!

5. The “Rocked my world” concert story.

When you go to a concert, you have to make a story for all your friends. It’s like the cardinal rule. Friends like these ensure that we never miss out on the greatest music moments and we cannot thank them enough for it.

6. The “Makeup FTW” story. 

These stories were meant to inspire followers and peers alike into appreciating just how flawless they look. I mean, no one really understands how hard it is to get these things right. So when it turns out flawless, it is only fitting to make a story out of it.

7. The “This-is-my-latest-jam” story.

Just when you thought you had the perfect playlist on your phone, another new hit pops up to amaze you. Soon your feed explodes with stories from everyone listening to it and showing off their moves. And before you know it, you’re hooked to the song too! 

8. The “Most incredible vacation” story.

Who can ever get enough of those inspiring travel stories that our friends put up? Those shots of the blue sky, picturesque locations and sparkling skies evoke the wanderlust in us and for good measure too. #PackingMyBags

9. The “I-found-something-awesome” story.

Personally speaking, I love stories in which my friends find something funny or odd. Stories like those would make anyone’s day. 

10. The “Surprise spoiler” story.

These stories are posted by the enthu-cutlets of our group. And sometimes it ends up revealing the surprise to everyone including the person it is meant to be. Know what I mean? 


Yes, we all have social media accounts and yes we are all guilty of posting at least one of these story posts. No? Just me? Whaa…

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