I think a lot of us are aware of the benefits of masturbation. It is great for the certain chemicals it helps release in the body and brain and how it impacts the mood. But, what happens when you put a halt on the self-pleasuring?

A lot of people advocate for going without masturbation and the pros of doing so. But, there are many debates surrounding this topic. So, let’s delve into what really happens when you ditch masturbation.
Since orgasms induce the release of hormones such as oxytocin, dopamine and serotonin (which are all feel-good hormones) it may seem like giving up self-pleasuring will probably have more negative effects than positive. But, there are studies that prove that men experience an immediate (though temporary) spike in their testosterone levels when they abstain from masturbation.
It was also found that many men and women experience sleep orgasms after taking a break from it. And, though there isn’t anything such thing as ‘too much masturbation,’ it is a problem if doing so is interfering in one’s daily life. Or if someone’s using masturbation as their primary outlet for stress.
Another possible effect of masturbating too often is that it can mess with your brain’s response threshold to dopamine and serotonin. So the higher your frequency of self-pleasuring, the less your brain will react to the levels of dopamine and serotonin being released, which can lead to you feeling an increasing sense of dissatisfaction.
So, in such cases, if one takes a break from masturbation, it may help in balancing out the way that the brain reacts to the release of the feel-good hormones. This can lead to better mental health, as your brain’s chemistry will be less reliant on masturbation as a source of happiness and/or relaxation.
But honesty, there are way too many plus points masturbation has for anyone to put an end to it, all you’ve to make sure is you’re not addicted to it!
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