8 Reasons Why You Should Use Sandalwood Oil For Good Health

Pradamini Kumari

Sandalwood is that one ingredient that we are familiar with in Ayurveda. The fragrance of sandalwood is heavenly and it has many health benefits too that not many are aware of. So, here are the health benefits of using sandalwood oil that is extracted from this scented wood. 


1. It gets rid of inflammation.

The anti-inflammatory properties present in this oil provides a soothing effect on internal as well as external inflammation. This oil is great for curing soreness of nervous and digestive system. 


2. It prevents spasms.

Massage this oil to relax stiff muscles as it is known to be highly antispasmodic in nature. This oil works wonders on your muscle fibers and blood vessels by relaxing them. 


3. It can be used as an antiseptic agent.

The antiseptic properties present in this oil aide in preventing injuries, boils and blemishes from getting infected. Regular consumption of sandalwood oil also gives protection from ulcers. 


4. It aides in boosting kidney health. 

Sandalwood promotes urination which in turn helps to keep the kidneys clean as it works as a diuretic that keeps one’s renal system healthy. 


5. It helps to keep the blood pressure under control. 

Add a few drops of sandalwood oil to your milk to cure hypertension or high blood pressure as it is loaded with hypo-tensive components that regulate blood pressure levels. 


6. It helps to get rid of bad body odor. 

Use sandalwood based powder, lotions and deodorants to get rid of bad body odor. It will also keep you feeling fresh and cool for long. 


7. It keeps stress and anxiety at bay. 

Sandalwood is a sedative in nature that has a calming effect on the nervous system. Massage yourself with this oil if you are in tension, stressed out or going through emotional stress. 


8. It boosts your memory.

Add a few drops of sandalwood oil in your milk to improve the functioning of your brain and nervous system. Sandalwood stimulates brain cells and nerves which in turn increases one’s memory power. 


Buy yourself a bottle of this miracle oil from here

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