10 Ways To Deal With Dehydration In The Scorching Summer Heat

Pradamini Kumari

Dehydration is one of the major concerns during summers. This happens due to lack of water and moisture in our body due to the heat. According to a research, about 50% of children are not getting the hydration they need but, they are not alone. Many adults also go about their daily life under-hydrated which is not good for their health. We must remember that 60-75% of our body is made up of water and if that is low, it becomes difficult for our body to function properly. And, if this is ignored, you could be at a risk of various heat-related illnesses. So, we are here to help. Here are 10 ways that you can hydrate yourself and keep cool during summers. 

1. Drink plenty of fluids. 

Make sure you keep yourself hydrated by drinking water, juices and other energizing drinks especially if you are living in a hot climate. Drinking fluids provides hydration, moisture and energy that is neccesary for proper functioning of the body. Keep a track of your fluid intake because lack of it could lead to high fever, diarrhea, nausea and weakness. You can also opt for electrolyte drinks that will give your body the much needed boost. 


2. Avoid over consumption of alcohol and caffeine. 

Studies suggest that alcohol and caffeine dehydrates you more because it sucks the moisture out of you. If you can’t do without a brew, drink a bottle of water between each alcoholic beverage to stay hydrated. Coffee also should be consumed moderately. Having more than 3 cups a day is not advised so, keep it in mind. 


3. Have fruits and green vegetables. 

According to reports, one should opt for fruits and vegetables that are easy to digest and high in water content. You can have summer fruits like musk melon, watermelon, litchis and mangoes to hydrate yourself and you can also have salads and other dishes that will hydrate you and keep you cool. Keep a track of your food habits by eating a balanced diet. 


4. Avoid eating processed or fatty food items. 

Research proves that our digestive system weakens during summers so, you should avoid having food items that are difficult to digest because it can lead to digestive problems. Instead, opt for fresh and natural foods that are easy to digest. 


5. Avoid stepping out during peak hours. 

Plan your day in advance if you know you have to step out in the heat. You should avoid going outside during peak hours of sunlight, normally between 11 AM to 3 PM because the UV rays and the temperatures are the highest during that time. 


6. Opt for indoor activities. 

You don’t necessarily have to go for a walk outside if you are into exercising. Opt for exercising at the gym or walking on a treadmill instead. Also, try not to over-exert yourself while exercising because it could lead to heat exhaustion or heat stroke, according to experts. You can also go for swimming to beat the heat. 


7. Dress appropriately. 

You are going to sweat if you wear tight, dark-coloured clothing because dark colours absorb the sun’s rays. Instead, you should opt for light-coloured clothing preferably in cotton. You can opt for clothes in white, yellow, light-blue, baby pink, off-white and other summary colours that will keep you cool. Also, avoid wearing tight clothes because it doesn’t help in evaporating sweat from your body. 


8. Keep your surroundings cool. 

During summers, the floors and walls of our houses also heat up. So, in order to keep your house cool, keep your curtains closed during peak hours of the day. 


9. Opt for spicy food. 

This might sound like a bizarre idea but according to experts, having spicy food in warm climates actually helps to produce sweat which helps to cool your body down. But, this in no way means that you should over-indulge in eating spicy food because eating too much spice can lead to diarrhea. 


10. Put on a sunscreen, wear sunglasses and hats. 

If you are stepping out, wear wide-brimmed hats and sunglasses that will protect you from the harmful UV rays of the sun. Opt for sunglasses that can block 90-100 percent of UV rays. Also, don’t forget to apply a waterproof sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15 before stepping out. 


Be summer ready. 

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