‘The Last Of Us’ Much? A Fungal Infection Is Spreading In USA & The Internet Wants Joel

Harshita Singh

In the past couple of years we’ve had to deal with the effects of a long and difficult pandemic. So now, whenever we see or hear news of some ancient virus that was found buried deep, deep underground, or a fungal infection that is affecting different parts of the world, there’s bound to be some nervousness. This is something you might agree with more if you hear about Candida auris, a fungal infection that is affecting many people in USA.

Credit: Newsweek

The infection is said to affect people with compromised immune systems, or people using devices like ventilators or catheters. The most prominent symptoms include fever and chills. And though there have been cases of the infection in other countries, the US has seen a rise in its cases between 2021-2022.

A broadcasting house shared the news on their Instagram page and so many people have made references to the HBO show The Last of Us in the comments. From asking for Joel (played by Pedro Pascal) to sarcastically asking if this is a gimmick by HBO, here’s what netizens have said.

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But seriously, this is concerning.

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