An Ode To Mango, The King Of Fruits That Makes The Scorching Summers A Little Bearable

Shabdita Pareek

Aam phalon ka raja hai!

Summers are here and if there’s anything that makes the soaring temperature somewhat bearable, it’s the mango. With the onset of summer, fruit vendors spring up in every street and corner, with push carts loaded with succulent mangoes sparkling in all their golden glory.

The irresistible pulpy fruit wields a certain magic that makes you want to delve deep into its flesh, surrendering to the temptation, ready to be drowned in the elixir of life.  

That’s how stimulating mangoes are! The more you have it, the more you want it.

Every other fruit takes a backseat in front of the world’s most lusciously tempting fruit. Mango lovers will agree that it’s an addiction, a one-stop solution to the dessert after dinner, a heavenly panacea to all your sugar cravings. 

Mango makes me wait for summers more impatiently than anything else.

You’re not a true blue mango lover if you’ve never bought an aam ki peti and finished it in three days or less. Nothing gives a greater pleasure than gently squeezing a mango with both hands, slowly savouring the richly-flavoured pulpiness till its last drop. 

Sure it’s messy, but who can resist that deliciousness?

And while you’re indulged in the hedonistic pursuits, the multiple variations of this exotic fruit take your pleasure to a whole new height. Whether it’s mango shake, aam ka achaar with parantha, or aam-panna to beat the heat, mango rules our kitchens for as long as it’s in the market. 

It also takes me back to the good old days of summer holidays when I would eagerly wait to taste the season’s first mango and then try different varieties of it ranging from Kesar, Safeda, Dusshehri, Alphonso, and so many more.

Mango isn’t just a fruit, it’s an experience, and a heavenly one. The intoxicating fragrance filling your nose as you gently uncover the glorious golden and yellow peel only to be taken over by the compelling taste, mango really does have the power to evoke your inner Katrina and romance the undisputed god of fruits.

Here’s to the fruit that rules our hearts and minds. This summer, let’s go mangoes!

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