From ₹40k Paper Clip To ₹25k Paper Bag, 11 Expensive Products Sold By Famous Brands

Prakriti Srivastava

The online market is a place full of wonders. You can find famous brands selling random, uber-expensive products which are ridiculously expensive for no reason at all. But why do these brands sell such expensive sh*t? Well, because they can, and because there are always people ready to buy them. Today, we’ll have a look at some such products.

1. Balenciaga Trash Bag | ₹1,50,000

2. Yeezy Homeless Sweater | ₹1,50,000

Ye says he believes in his ripped homeless sweaters – Source

3. Jil Sander Brown Paper Bag | ₹24,000

Source: Insider

4. Balenciaga IKEA Bag | ₹1,77,000

Source: GQ

Check Out – Indian luxury brands

5. Apple Polishing Bag | ₹1900

Source: Apple

6. Prada Paper Clip | ₹43,000

Source: Prada

7. Ambush Zip-Tie Bracelet | ₹77,500

Source: Ambush

8. Ambush Zip-Tie Ring | ₹55,000

Source: Ambush
Source: Ambush

9. Ambush Wooden Clips Earrings | ₹62,000

Source: Farfetch

10. Balenciaga Grocery Bag | ₹1,50,000

Source: Balenciaga
Source: Balenciaga

11. Balenciaga Chips Bag | ₹1,50,000

The weirdest thing for me isn’t that these brands charge such exorbitant amounts for such weird products but that most of them are sold out! I mean, who are these people buying such expensive sh*t?

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