3 Pieces Of Investment Advice From Elon Musk, The World’s Richest Man You Really Need To Hear

Prakriti Srivastava


1. Elon Musk’s investment advice during periods of inflation

Elon Musk’s investment advice during periods of inflation is similar to that of Warren Buffet. According to Musk, “it is generally better to own physical things like a home or stock in companies you think make good products than dollars when inflation is high.”

2. Elon Musk on crypto investment

Elon Musk is a big supporter of futuristic assets, like cryptocurrencies. While investing in crypto, Musk advises, “don’t bet the farm on crypto.” According to Musk, you shouldn’t put too much cash into a speculative investment that has a high risk of loss.

He also talked about value creation and said, “true value is building products & providing services to your fellow human beings, not money in any form.”

3. Elon Musk on which companies to invest in

According to Musk, you should invest in companies you believe in. Upon being asked for investment advice several times, Musk recently tweeted, “buy stock in several companies that make products & services that *you* believe in.”

He also advised not to panic when the market does instead only sell if you think their products & services are trending worse. 

Also Read | 11 Absolutely Random Statements From Elon Musk That Make You Go “WTF Bruh!”

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