In recent years, it appears Indian TV shows have only been promoting regressive story ideas. And the concept of an upcoming show, Namak Issk Ka, drew Twitterati’s ire after a UP police officer highlighted how it disgraced a noble art form like dancing.
In an advertisement released in a newspaper, Namak Issk Ka showed the lead couple with a caption that read, ‘would you accept a dancer as your daughter-in-law?’.
This caption has apparently been the tagline being used across adverts, for promoting the serial.
UP police officer Rahul Srivastav took to Twitter to criticize the advertisement for ‘profaning a sacred art form’ and promoting ‘regressive’ ideas.
People were quick to support his opinion:
Shows and movies, as an art form, have the ability to influence millions, and pushing regressive ideas in the name of entertainment should definitely not be the way to go.