Actor Sanjay Dutt, who has spoken openly about battling drug addiction and seeking rehabilitation, could now be the face of an anti-drug campaign being launched by the government.
As per reports, a national action plan has been prepared by the ministry to battle drug consumption by focusing on preventive education, which would include counseling and treatment for addicts and awareness generation. Sanjay Dutt had recently also lent support to Art of Living’s Drug Free India Campaign.
Reportedly, since Sanjay Dutt has openly spoken about his experience with substance abuse, the government felt that he would be best suited to help young people steer clear of substance abuse.
People also took to Twitter and commented on the government’s choice of selecting Sanjay Dutt:
Apparently, a formal announcement for the same may be made on June 26, which is observed as the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking.