A Sad Day For ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ Fans As Captain Holt’s Goodest Boy ‘Cheddar’ Dies At 13


Stewart, the dog who played Captain Holt and his husband’s pet corgi in Brooklyn Nine-Nine, has passed away at 13.

Entertainment Weekly

The owner of this goodest boy took to Instagram to share this news on Monday-

We went to the beach (his favorite place) where he frolicked in the surf and then enjoyed a picnic lunch of In & Out burgers. We relaxed in the sun and just enjoyed each other’s company. Our veterinarian met us there later and Stewart went to sleep peacefully in my arms while listening to the sounds of the ocean. He was a one in a million kind of dog, he was my supaah staah.

Cheddar AKA Stewart was a complete sweetheart. He appeared in multiple scenes of the show- participated in the Halloween heist, did a rad photoshoot, and was none of your ‘basic bitches’.

Stewart also has a sister, Stella.

His trainer, Michael W. Miliotti, told EW, that Cheddar was a complete goofball. He would repeat the same mistakes ‘over and over again just because he can get the laugh.’ And although he would get in the way of shots, nobody could stay mad at him.

Folks, for whom Brooklyn 99 is like a second home, are devastated-

Here’s a video of the best-est moments of Cheddar-

You were the goodest boy, Stewart. Brooklyn 99 will never be the same without you.

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