In what is a very proud moment for India, Rohit Khandelwal has won the prestigious Mr. World title on 19th July, 2016, becoming the first person from the country to achieve the feat. The actor, model and television personality – who was competing with 47 participants from across the globe – also becomes the first Asian to achieve the honour.
The pageant was held at Southport Theatre, Floral Hall, The Promenade, Southport, UK.
The Mr. World Twitter handle broke the news that has Indians celebrating with joy:
Upon winning the title, Rohit expressed his joy and thanked his well-wishers for their support.
He said:
“I still can’t believe that I have won the Mr. World title. Being the first Indian ever to win this title internationally makes me immensely proud and ecstatic. It’s a dream come true and am very thankful to the Miss India Organization for giving me this opportunity and guiding me throughout my exciting journey. My family, friends and my fans have been a constant support for me and this wouldn’t have been possible without the support of my well-wishers.”
The actor underwent rigorous training and grooming sessions to reach the stage.
Rohit made his television debut with Yeh Hai Ashiqui.