Priyanka Chopra Gets Candid About Marriage, Her Mother & Hollywood In This Harper’s Bazaar Interview

Srishti Magan

Priyanka Chopra has been ruling our hearts since her first step into stardom. 

Whether it was the winning moment of being crowned as the Miss World, her first Filmfare or her latest interview; her wit, intelligence and innate sensuality has been hard to miss.

Recently, in an interview with Harper’s Bazaar, Priyanka touched on various topics, from feminism to marriage to Hollywood.  

And like always, her answers left us inspired, and impressed. 

She addressed questions on her marriage, saying that even though she believed in the institution, her family’s support relieved her from the pressure of ‘making a mistake’. Because she’d rather find the right person, than be pressurized into settling with the wrong one.

She also commented on breaking the stereotypes associated with roles provided to South Asian actors. She said playing a role, in Bollywood or Hollywood, is simply about acting, and diverse roles can be played by all actors.

“I’m an actor before I’m anything else. Before my ethnicity, before where I came from. My job is to be able to convince America every Sunday that I’m an American girl,” she added.

However, the highlight of the interview was when Priyanka made an effort to explain the kind of upbringing that she comes from. She proved once and for all, that it is imperative to teach the values of equality when we are young. 

She said, that in her family, her mother had an equal standing.

Her mother Madhu, who is a successful physician, would turn down invitations that arrived addressed to ‘Dr and Mrs Ashok Chopra’, because her “mom had her own personality and standing. She was never a plus one. So I am that person. Nobody’s identity can be just a plus one.”

Indian Express

Priyanka also commented on how, men and women, are physiologically different, but stressed that “We’re not supposed to be equal, but we’re supposed to be given equal opportunities, that’s important”. 

(Quoting this to everyone who asks for an explanation to Feminism)

She also called out on a cover story by Vanity Fair on Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, because she felt it was inappropriate that greater focus was on how Meghan is Harry’s fiance, than her individual achievement. 

However, she very slyly sidestepped the question, of whether she’d be one of the lucky bridesmaids or not.

From addressing questions on breaking the stereotypical roles for South Asian actors in Hollywood, to family, marriage and relationships, Priyanka’s answers proved she truly is the perfect mix of intelligence and excellence.

You can read the brilliant interview here. 

Thank you Priyanka for giving us more reasons to fangirl over you. 

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