The film Mahabharata, which is being planned to be made on a budget of a whopping Rs 1000 crore, had earlier landed into trouble after threats from pro-Hindu group over its title.
But now, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has extended his support to the team and it seems like the shooting of the film will soon begin without any hassle.
Members of Kerala Hindu Aikya Vedi recently staged a protest opposing the release of the film unless its title is changed.
President KP Sasikala had told the media:
“Although we are happy that a big budget film is coming from Kerala named Mahabharatham, we strongly feel a film which is close to the story of real Mahabharatham written by Vyasan should only carry its name. No other movie can be named Mahabharatham. If the movie is based on Randamoozham, let the name of the film also be named same. Veda Vyasan also has his rights.”
According to a report by Hindustan Times, the makers of Mahabharatam have acknowledged the letter sent by PM Modi in which he said that the film will be a matter of pride for the entire nation and therefore he awaits its release.
What adds more to the positive beginning for the film based on MT Vasudevan Nair’s award-winning novel Randamoozham, is also that the entire team has reportedly been granted the permission to meet the Prime Minister on July 7.
Featuring Malayalam superstar, Mohanlal Viswanathan Nair, in a lead role, the film funded by a UAE billionaire BR Shetty will be directed by V. A. Shrikumar Menon.
(Feature Image Source: AFP & Wikipedia)