Ranbir Kapoor and Katrina Kaif’s upcoming film, Jagga Jasoos, is a seriously jinxed project. From script re-works to delays in production, this movie has seen everything else but light of day. And the movie became a topic of conversation once again for their fans when the lead pair, Ranbir and Katrina, split in real life. There was news that the shoot of the film was even put on hold after their relationship hit an iceberg.
But rejoice, Ranbir-Katrina fans! Because it looks like the shoot is back on!
There were rumors suggesting that the film might be delayed considering the lead pair has broken up but the final schedule of the movie has finally begun. And this picture proves that they are working together again.
Both, Ranbir and Katrina, are known for their professional behavior. Rumors of them drifting apart cropped up a few months ago but they have been very professional in finishing their jobs. The leaked images and videos just go on to prove the same and it looks like their work will not suffer because of their private lives.
Here’s a leaked video from the shoot of the movie which shows the professionalism of the actors:
#Ranbir & #KatrinaKaif captured shooting for #JaggaJasoos in Belleville, Capetown pic.twitter.com/yWRdasWqEZ
— BombayTimes (@bombaytimes) March 10, 2016
Ranbir Kapoor and Katrina Kaif have both worked with exes in the past and it looks like the last schedule of this film will also be finished as planned.
Directed by Anurag Basu, the film is scheduled to release on June 3, 2016.
Feature image source: koimoi