Bollywood actress Kanagana Ranaut, who recently turned up on the ‘Koffee with Karan’ couch with Rangoon co-star Saif Ali Khan, stunned filmmaker and host Karan Johar by accusing him of always being a ‘flag bearer of nepotism’ in the film industry.
In a promo of Koffee With Karan’s upcoming episode, Kanagana Ranaut could be seen taking on Johar in a blunt way that no other artist might have dared to do in public.
The actress told Johar that if there was ever a biopic made on her life she would pick him for the role of a stereotypical Bollywood biggie, who is both snooty and completely intolerant to outsiders.
Her statement not only stunned Saif Ali Khan, but also had the host uncharacteristically speechless.
Here’s the promo:
Johar has often admitted about his love for doing films with close friends and having only his favorites from the industry on his chat show.