It’s been a while since we’ve seen the OG ‘cap’tain Himesh Reshammiya on the big screen. But don’t worry, because he’s back with a ‘double’ bang with his latest film titled Happy Hardy And Heer.
Why I say double is because he’s not playing just one but TWO characters! Yes, double dose of our favourite Gujju boi!
It’s not just his role(s) in the film that is double package, but the teaser for the film is also twice the duration of an average teaser. Himesh nose how to keep his audience engaged!
While his character named Happy has replaced his signature cap with an over-sized turban…
… Hardy totally looks like the fresh boy who will send rishtas for you after seeing you do garba at a wedding.
In a quest to find out who Heer’s groom will be, the teaser calls it the ‘Biggest musical of the year’. Kya yeh musical hume apna aashiq banaayega?
You can watch the teaser here.