Salman Khan’s atrocious ‘Rape’ analogy has been getting slammed on social media. But while the usually hyper-active Bollywood fraternity has stayed quiet over his statements, the digital space has seen many contrasting statements on the issue.
Some focused on making #SalmanMisquoted trend, while others used the #SalmanRapeRemark to make their point. As people took sides, a noted film critic, Raja Sen tweeted out his decision to not review Sultan upon its release.
This is what Raja Sen posted on social media:
Then things got ugly — he got trolled for his personal views by fans of Salman. He responded by posting a longer note on his decision:
But then the ‘Bhai’ brigade — infamous for their vitriol in the digital space — did what they did best. Abuse, shame and the works!
Some comments were so vulgar that they can’t be posted here. But the crux of the matter is that this is his personal stand — perhaps one that many others should have taken as well.
The reaction of his fans though was deplorable and showcased the obsessive side of fandom.