As far as Bollywood love stories go Farhan Akhtar and Adhuna Bhabani have a story that’s worthy of a movie. The two met while Farhan was still writing the script of Dil Chahta Hai, and Adhuna had already made her mark as a hairstylist. And together they were a powerhouse of talent and style.
So the news of their split after 15 years of marriage obviously has the potential to shatter one’s belief in unconditional, enduring love. While there was media speculation that may be all was not right with the couple, the whispers got louder when Adhuna was missing at the premiere of Wazir. And again at the launch of the Daboo Ratnani 2016 calendar.
The couple stated that they have grown apart over the years, however the above mentioned rumours involved Farhan and one of his co-stars.
This split comes shortly after Ranbir and Katrina announced their break-up. Not a good year for romance in Bollywood it seems.