There have been very few things that made us happy this year. One thing that was really going to make us excited was the new season of Brooklyn Nine-Nine. But unfortunately, we will have to wait a little longer.
The star of the cop-comedy Terry Crews AKA Sergeant Terry Jeffords disclosed that the show has scrapped all season eight episodes after the recent Black Lives Matter protests.
In an interview with Access Online, he added that the cast, producers and the writers are planning to make changes to their upcoming season in order to amplify themes coming out of the movement.
We’ve had a lot of somber talks about it and deep conversations and we hope through this we’re going to make something that will be truly groundbreaking this year. We have an opportunity and we plan to use it in the best way possible. Our show-runner Dan Goor, they had four episodes all ready to go and they just threw them in the trash. We have to start over. Right now we don’t know which direction it’s going to go in.
Earlier this month, the cast of the show donated $100,000 to a project which works with ‘organisers, advocates and legal providers across the country that are using, or contemplating using, community bail funds as part of efforts to radically change local bail systems and reduce incarceration’.
Well, if it’s for such a good cause, we’re ready to wait. No doubt, no doubt, no doubt!