Shah Rukh Khan always manages to get the internet talking whenever he hosts an #AskSRK session on Twitter. Ahead of the release of Jawan, the actor held an #AskSRK session for a few minutes and people swarmed to his Twitter with their questions. Needless to say, the session was full of SRK’s trademark wit, humour and charm.
Here are the 13 best responses from the session. Let’s take a look, shall we?
1. When someone asked SRK how much he pays for electricity.
2. When he admitted that he’s shy when it comes to romantic films.
3. He also revealed his favourite song from Jawan.
4. He talked about Chak De India where he gave one of his finest performances.
5. No #AskSRK session is complete without his trademark humour.
6. This answer is just one of the reasons we love SRK.
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7. When he gave a teeny tiny spoiler from Jawan.
8. Leave it to SRK to answer questions like this with class.
9. When he was asked about his fans from South India.
10. Just SRK hyping up Vijay Sethupathi.
11. Apparently, SRK is all set to watch Rajnikanth’s Jailer.
12. When he revealed how long it took for them to finish Jawan.
13. Someone also asked SRK about Nayanthara.
These answers make us yearn for another #AskSRK session.
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