Subhash ‘Sarkar‘ Nagre, one of the most powerful roles essayed by Amitabh Bachchan will return on the big screen with Ram Gopal Varma’s third sequel of Sarkar after eight years. First look of Sarkar 3 will be released on 26th August, and Abhi-Ash who were a part of the series will not be there in its third sequel, announced the maverick filmmaker.
RGV took to twitter to announce the same:
He further revealed few details of the plot:
And he officially announces return of the angry man:
“Two-three ideas were worked upon and discarded, and now, finally, we have a script we both are excited about,”says RGV, quoted The Times Of India.The report further suggests, the plot revolving around much larger dramatic event and larger than life characters.The most surprising element with plot is, it might not have a single antagonist in its part 3.
Sarkar director said, “It might be possible to make Godfather without (Marlon) Brando but not Sarkar without Bachchan,” he asserts. “Since he arrived on the screen some 40 years ago, we haven’t seen a single actor who has his kind of presence, personality and charisma.” reported TOI.
In a press release to ScoopWhoop. RGV talks about bringing back the much loved angry man role of Amitabh Bachchan which eventually faded away with time “The only time I remember seeing Anger in him, in the last 10 years is in Sarkar. Not a single director in the last decade or so exploited that power which only he can create on screen….Even me with all my understanding of his cinematic power, I created only mild characters like in Rann, Nishabd etc. Anger is a very common emotion but Amitabh Bachchan’s anger gives that very same emotion a very superior and larger than life quality and that’s what I tried to capture in Sarkar.This time in Sarkar 3,the scale and the negative forces of the earlier two Sarkar films will pale in comparison and that will of course make him Angrier than ever before.