Featuring Annu Kapoor in a prominent role in the show, this educational drama also stars Mohit Solanki, Hridhu Haroon, Anushka Kaushik, Riddhi Kumar, Bhavesh Balchandani, Aryan Singh, Hetal Gada, Anvesha Vij, Bhanu Uday, Udit Arora, Pranay Pachauri and Bidita Bag in supporting roles.
The two-and-a-half-minute trailer revolves around eight students, studying at two of the biggest rival coaching institutes in Kota, and how they hustle to achieve their academic goals, set by parents and society.
While their life is all fun in the beginning, the competition slowly pressurises their life. The show follows the journey of these eight students as they explore friendships, first love, heartbreaks and peer pressure.
Directed by Vijay Maurya, this college-life drama laced with drama is slated to release on August 5.
You can watch the trailer for Crash Course here:
Please note that all the images are taken from the trailer.