Recently, actor Akshay Kumar was embroiled in a controversy when it was made public that he has not cast a vote during the ongoing elections as he is a Canadian passport holder.
Many people took to Twitter to comment on the same, stating that while the actor may take up patriotic movies, his interests are not for the nation.
Akshay Kumar has now released a statement responding to the criticism. He states that while he has never hidden the truth about his citizenship, he has continued to work in India, pay due taxes, and contribute to the nation’s growth.
He further added that it was disappointing that a ‘personal matter’ was dragged in a ‘needless controversy’.
However, in 2017 he had shared with Times Now that he was an ‘honorary citizen’ of Canada.
His past statement also drew flak from people, who called him out for presenting contradictory facts.
While it may have brewed up an online controversy, technically there have been no legal or political proceedings against the actor.