After nearly 1,000 Tamil Nadu theatres cancelled their screening as a form of protest, Superstar Rajinikanth on Wednesday took to Twitter to make an appeal to the state government to wave off the additional 30% local body tax levied under the Goods and Services Tax regime.
He made an appeal days after the ‘one nation one tax’ regime rolled out on July 1.
According to the tax reform, an extra 30% local tariff is being levied, besides a GST of 18 % on movie tickets priced below Rs 100 and 28% for those above Rs 100.
Actor Kamal Haasan also raised his voice against the state government on Tuesday for not backing the already ‘troubled’ film industry.
“Filmmaking has been made difficult deliberately. There are further tortures and systemic corruption that the film Industry has to endure under this regime. I am trying my best as any sensible individual of the industry to maintain solidarity and not play into the hands of any self serving and avaricious politician” said Haasan on Tuesday in a press statement released to ScoopWhoop News.
The 62-year-old actor in his statement also went on to compare the scenario of Tamil Nadu film industry with other states.
“In Kerala, the film industry requested the Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan and he, through his Finance Minister, quickly announced that Kerala will not be levying anymore taxes on the already beleaguered film business. Karnataka has gone even further to facilitate the well being of the film Industry. Telangana and Andhra are also doing their best for their film industries. Bihar used to be the nation’s whipping boy when it came to corruption. Now, Tamil Nadu has left Bihar leagues behind. Film industry is one among the many industries asphyxiated by the prevailing systemic corruption in the state. I anticipate even stronger protests soon,” said the actor.
(Feature Image Source: AFP)