Forever 21 Designed This Rape-Friendly Tee Because Who Cares About Consent Anyway

Shibani Bedi

Folks at fashion retail brand, Forever 21, have an interesting sense of style. And their knack for tapping the latest trends deserve our acknowledgement. Like their recent creation: a T-shirt with an interesting message printed on it which DOESN’T spell creepy at all! 

See for yourself: 

While this may not be the first time an influential brand has pushed problematic ideas in the minds of impressionable youth (because, they be cool), it certainly begs the question: WHO IS DESIGNING THIS SHIT? And who is to be held responsible? We wouldn’t know, because our values are not that hip. We believe in equality, non-objectification, and clear consent, you see. Shit happens.

We are pretty sure Forever 21 did this in the interest of the vulnerable, gullible many, who are at the risk of being raped or something like that.


Finally, after all the backlash, Forever 21 took the tee off the website. 


They came out with a statement saying, “Forever 21 strives to exemplify the highest ethical standards and takes feedback and product concerns very seriously. With regards to the T-shirt in question, upon receiving feedback from our customers, we took immediate action to have it removed from our website. We sincerely apologise to anyone who was offended by the product.”

Even peeps on Twitter spewed some hate on them, which might have pushed them to do something so drastic as acknowledging their mistake.

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