20 Intriguing Quotes About Death That’ll Take You On A Roller Coaster Ride Of Emotions

Neeti Chopra

“I have been half in love with easeful Death,

Call’d him soft names in many a musèd rhyme,”

John Keats in his ‘Ode to a Nightingale’ was all for death, making flowery rhymes for him but it’s amazing how this natural part of the cycle of life evokes different reactions from people, as anything unknown to man generally does. The problem is, we don’t know how to receive death. Should we clap him on the back and take a saunter with him to the other side (if there is an other side)? Should we hide in germ-free, padded rooms eating low-carb diets? Should we write him a couple of romanticized lines to impress him? 

There’s no right way to accept death, so we have put together quotes from different people who are either really deep about it (think Sophocles) or snarky about it or downright hilarious about it. Or you can choose to ignore it. Whatever floats your boat!

And after the long post,

Here’s Death prancing about. 

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