8 Hobbies You Can Learn During The 21-Day Lockdown

Needhi Roy

Are you as bored as I am? Read that backwards and it’ll still mean the same. 

So you’re telling me, the ‘Go-Corona-Go’ song hasn’t been able to lift your spirits? You know, that song that makes you want to tear your hair out? A gentle reminder — we still have 20 days more to go!  

Social distancing is causing us distress. But we can’t let this boredom get to us. Which is why, we’ve made a list of 8 things that you can actually take up as hobbies this quarantine period. 

1. Learn to play an instrument

You can always trust music to take your mind off what’s going on and calm you down (unless you’re listening to Go Corona, Go!) And what better than being able to produce your own music? Get hold of that guitar, piano or whichever instrument you find at your disposal and get started. 

2. Get crafty

Explore your crafty side by unleashing the artist in you. There’s literally so much that you can do. Knitting, cross-stitching, calligraphy, bookbinding, painting, jewellery making, or origami. You can also create pieces to decorate your house, designing candles, making photo frames, or simply do some pottery if you can. 

3. Make this planet greener 

Our planet is suffering and your bid to make the environment greener can go a long way. Also, it makes social-distancing a little more interesting and creative. If you have a backyard or even a balcony in your apartment, you can come up with various ways to decorate it. You can add a bohemian vibe by decorating the flower tubs with vibrant colours, and adding some cushions or a small bedding for a cosy sitting arrangement.

4. Try cooking a new cuisine

Brush up your culinary skills by learning to cook a new cuisine. Not only is cooking generally a good life skill to have, it’ll also save you from the uninspiring and boring everyday home cooked food by adding some new flavours. And when the quarantine period is over, you can just flaunt your super-cooking skills in front of your friends with those fancy sounding dishes. *Turns on Masterchef Australia*

5. Learn a new language 

Stop fantasizing about far-off places, will you? That shit ain’t gonna happen anytime soon! But what you can do is learn a foreign language to make yourself feel a little better. You can take online classes or watch foreign language films to help you in the process. So by the time it’s safe to fly out of the country, you can interact with the locals of your next holiday destination like a pro.  

6. Brush up your online trivia skills

While you might not be able to participate in trivia nights at the pub right now, you can always resort to online quizzes and games which are equally interesting and keep you hooked. Spend this time taking as many quizzes and accumulating as many facts as you can, and you’ll be the star of the show whenever there’s a quiz held at parties and get-togethers. 

7. Join a virtual book club 

Are you also the kind who makes a note of a book title in their phones and then forgets about it? Bam!! Now is the time when you can actually dive into that list of books and catch up on all that reading. And the best part? You can be a part of a virtual book club, which will not only help you stay motivated but also allow you to connect with others during live discussions on authors. Isn’t that lovely?

8. Start a journal or blog

It’s always a good idea to express your emotions by writing them down. In fact, maintaining a daily log of your day-to-day activities right now could turn out to be super interesting, as our quarantine days could have a huge historical significance in years to come. Think about it!

Happy quaratine everybody!

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