From Making Masks To Feeding Strays: 10 Ways You Can Help Beat The Pandemic With Kindness

Akanksha Bhatia

The lockdown is hard, we’ve all been indoors for more than a month. However, there are those who are facing the worst during this lockdown. And your little acts of kindness can make all the difference to get them through. 

Here is how you can help:

1. Make masks out of excess fabric you have lying around

Many healthcare workers and those at the front lines are suffering from a shortage of masks. So if you know how to stitch, then learning how to make basic masks out of fabric lying around the house can help them. You can pass these masks around your society, and because they are washable, people won’t go out to buy more from the stores. 

Business Insider

2. Call your help to ask if they need anything

Your house help, sanitation workers and office help are also suffering from the consequences of this lockdown. So give them a call, ask if they need anything, monetarily or just a package of groceries. They’ve taken care of you, now it’s your turn. 

The Better India

3. Supply food to the security staff working in your area

Pool in with people from the society to supply groceries to the security staff working despite the lockdown. If your safety is their responsibility then the least that you can do is make sure they’re staying healthy. 


4. Feed the strays you spot outside your house

If you happen to see any cats or dogs hungry around your society, just give them some milk or rice. These strays usually rely on scraps from passerbys and their absence leaves them scavenging for meals. 

Big Fix Clinic

5. Ask the senior citizens you know to see if they need anything or just want someone to talk to

Senior citizens are at an high risk during this epidemic. So call the ones you know and ask them if they need you to drop some groceries at their doorstep. Or if they want to video call you during the day. Anything to make them feel like they aren’t facing these trying times alone. 

Modern Man

6. Keep in touch with the people you know at the front lines, reassure their families

If you know healthcare workers, police officers or anyone who is working at the front lines during this pandemic, thank them for their work and ask them if you can help. A healthcare worker living alone may not have the time to buy groceries, so order them online for them. 

Families are worried about their children and husbands who are working these jobs, reassure them. 

Health Issues

7. Help friends who are quarantined alone by keeping a check on their health

Not everyone could come back home before the lockdown. Some people are quarantined at their dorms or homes in other countries. So give them a call, provide them with support and keep them motivated. Ask them to send you pictures of what they’re making and have movie nights with them, their mental health is important. 


8. Donate to funds whenever you can

The PM has a relief fund set up for those who are bearing the brunt of this pandemic. Apart from that, many other local NGOs and welfare societies are doing their part by distributing care packages of groceries. Making a small donation to any of these causes will make a huge difference. 

Global Giving

9. Hold workshops on Instagram or Facebook 

If you’re good at something, now is the right time to share it with the world. There are so many people out there who just want to pick up an easy hobby. Know origami? How to play the guitar? Or even a language? Share and maybe even hold workshops for your friends to help them take advantage of the lockdown. 


10.  If you are quarantined with your family, take resposibility at home

Help out in household chores, do the dishes, some laundry and maybe even cook a few meals. We’re all in this together, so take responsibility and unload the burden off your parents. 

Cleaning Institute

One little act of kindness can go a long way. 

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