IIM Bengaluru Is Offering 32 Free Courses & It’s Time To Up Your Skills

Harshita Singh

When it comes to learning new things, the internet is probably, the best place to learn as much as possible. There are so many universities that offer courses for free, and time is the only thing that you need to worry about. This is why we think these courses that IIM Bengaluru is offering for free is such a treat. Here take a look at the 32 courses you can consider taking:

Here take a look for yourselves:

1. Intro to Banking & Financial Markets

If you’re looking to up your skills in banking and learn about financial markets, then this course is perfect. You can join the course here.

2. Intro to Managerial Economics

For anyone looking to up their managerial skills, this is the course to sign up for to get into the nitty-gritty of the subject. You can read more about it here and join as well.

3. Banking and Financial Markets: Risk Management Perspective

This course will look at banking and financial markets from a risk management perspective. So if this is your jam, you can sign up for it here.

4. Equity Stock Market

The aim of the course is to explain the structure and functioning of equity stock markets. So if you think you’d like to learn more, then sign up here.

5. Financial Accounting and Analysis

Understand the various elements of financial statements in this course as well as accounting principles related to its preparation. You can join here.

6. Foreign Exchange Market

This course explains the concepts that govern foreign exchange markets. Namely, interest rate parity, purchasing power parity, forex reserves, the balance of payments, central bank intervention, country risk/sovereign risk, etc. Join the classes here.

7. Macroeconomics: Theory and Policy

In this Macroeconomics course, you can learn to interpret how the various components of economics like Inflation play a major role in the growth of an economy. So, if you’d like, you can join it here.

8. Brand Management

In this course, you can learn key concepts such as brand identity, brand personality, brand positioning, brand communication, brand image, and brand equity. Sign up for it here.

9. Economic Foundations of Pricing

In these classes, you can expect to learn about the classical theory of pricing. Then about the progress toward understanding subjects such as cost-based pricing heuristics, demand curve analysis, and competition-based pricing. You can sign up for it here.

10. Quant Marketing Research

This IIMB course can help people with crucial marketing questions using data. You can expect to learn quantitative marketing research techniques in conjunction with key marketing concepts in the classes. You can join here.

11. Services Marketing

You can expect to learn about the fundamental concepts of services marketing and best practices across industries and business models in these classes. So, if you’re interested you can sign up here.

12. Innovation and IT Management

This IIM B course will be able to show you how to use IT in your organisation building or plan on how to build IT-enabled products or services. You can get these classes here.

13. Managing Innovation

These set of classes will teach you how to approach innovation systematically and how that can enhance the capacity of your organisation. Click here to sign up.

14. New Product Development

With this course you can understand the entire product development process; From the product idea to eventual launch along with an appropriate business model. Sign up for the classes here.

15. Advanced Corporate strategy

These classes will provide students with a combination of analytical and conceptual skills needed to tackle complex problems of development and execution of corporate strategy for firms across the country and the world. You can sign up for it here.

16. Strategic Management

This course will show you how a business views itself and in the context of its environment. And it will taught from the POV of a manager or chief executive officer (CEO). Interested? Sign up here then.

17. Valuation and Creating Sustainable Value

This course is great if you want to learn about corporations going for expansion and looking to better utilization of resources to gain a competitive position in the industry. If this sounds enticing, you can sign up for it here.

18. Family Business

This course offers insights from experienced family business practitioners, professional managers, and researchers to address the challenges of family businesses. If you’re looking to up your family’s business, then perhaps this is the right place to be. Sign up here.

19. Platform Business Models

This course will discuss the unique economics of platform businesses, and the specific decisions leaders in platform firms need to take. If you’re interested, sign up here.

20. People Management for Entrepreneurs

In these classes you will essentially learn, critically analyze, and explore various aspects and concepts regarding how entrepreneurs can effectively and efficiently build, run, and scale their organizations. Thinking of signing up? Well, do it here.

21. Effective Business communication

This course aims to help you improve these communications skills by exploring the inherent challenges and providing techniques to help overcome hurdles. Sign up here.

22. Foundation of Data Science

After these classes you’ll be able to describe the role of probability theory, optimization and linear algebra in the field of Artificial Intelligence, among other things. You can sign up for it here.

23. Predictive Analytics

This class will teach you how to use predictive analytics tools to analyze real-life business problems. As an emerging field of work, you might want to consider this. You can sign up for it here.

24. Operation Management

The course will empower you with skills to address important aspects of business operations including capacity, productivity, quality, and supply chain. If you think this is of your interest, then sign up for the course here.

25. Customer Relationship Management

Through these classes you will learn how to shift from a short-term customer transaction-based mode of operation to a long-term relationship mode and also understand the benefits of having strong customer relations. So, if you’d like, you can sign up for it here.

26. Organizational Design

This course helps to understand what and how different factors within the organization contributes to designing the organization and how these can be strategically managed in order to get optimal output. Sign up for the course here.

27. Arts and Culture: Towards a New Management Paradigm

The aim of the course is to provide insights on the management dimensions of arts, culture, and heritage for professionals and students who desire to specialize in this. If the is something that is piquing your interest, then you can sign up for it here.

28. Intro to Digital Business

With this course, you can understand the five common themes in foundations of digital business: data, agile, infrastructure, emerging technologies and enterprise applications. Thinking of applying, here you go.

29. Indian Knowledge Systems (IKS) – Humanities and Social Sciences

The aim of this course is to sensitize students to the contributions made by ancient Indians in the field of Science, Philosophy  and related applications and concepts. You can apply for the course here.

30. Concepts and Applications in Science (IKS)

These set of classes will give you an understanding of the Vedic corpus and town planning and architecture (among several other things). Sign up here.

31. Concepts and Applications in Engineering (IKS)

Another of the IKS course, here you can also learn about ancient Indian systems and philosophy and how that would apply to the field of engineering. If you’re interested in learning about this, then apply for the course here.

32. Services Marketing: Concepts & Applications

This course will give you insight into the characteristics of services and their implications on conceptualization, design, and delivery. You will also get to understand the need for coordinated organizational effort through marketing, human resources and operations in delivering superior service. Apply for this course here.

So, which one are you applying for next?

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