Harper Collins, India, has recently announced a grand garage sale on 24th and 25th June, and it’s going to be legendary.
The publishing giant will be offering discounts of up to 90 percent on popular books. Paperbacks will be sold at Rs 25 a book, while the price of hardbacks will be Rs 50 only.
Coffee table books will also be available at Rs. 100, with deep discounts on box sets and collectors’ editions.
And to ensure everyone has a chance to get what they want, a person can only purchase one unit of a particular book title.
And it’s all for a good cause. The publisher has said that 20 percent of the sale proceedings will be donated to Friendicoes, a Delhi-based animal welfare organisation that provides care and shelter to strays and other animals.
The only catch? You need to go to the publisher’s warehouse in Faridabad, specifically: Plot No 15/5, Sector – 27 B, Behind Choirform Factory, Mathura Road, Faridabad. One person asked on the Facebook page for it to be made available online but the publisher’s making no promises.
So get some additional bookshelves ready and get set for the next weekend: