From Marketing To Content Creation, 100 Books You Should Definitely Read

Prakriti Srivastava

Learning everything through your own experience is a good way but not a great way to learn. We all have a limited amount of time, and as much as we would want, we can’t have all the experiences we would like to have. So, what’s the alternative? How can you still manage to learn about all the wonders that life has to offer? 


Well, the answer is through reading books. Whenever you are facing any difficulties, all you need to do is pick a book related to that area and you would have the wisdom of someone who’s been through it. So, whichever area you need help with, here are some books you can read, as recommended by a Twitter user. 

1. Marketing

If you are interested in how businesses operate or have a business of your own that you want to scale, then some of these books can come in very handy.

2. Psychology

Understanding how our minds work and why people do what they do is a keen interest of many. If you are one such person, then you should give the following books a read. 

Check Out – Books To For Beginner

3. Entrepreneurship 

Want to start a venture of your own? If you have the entrepreneurial spirit, then these books are for you. 

4. Investing

Instead of working for money, make money work for you. If you want to venture into the world of investing then these are some books for you.

5. Self-help

Life gets tough sometimes and we need someone to help us. If you don’t have that someone around in your life, then these books can prove to be the friend you’re looking for.

6. Relationship

A relationship doesn’t only mean one with your partner, it also includes your relationship with yourself, your family and your friends. To improve the quality of relationship you have, read these books.

7. Content Creation

Do you also look at content creators online and say to yourself that it is something you wanna do too? Then it’s time. Kickstart your content creation journey with the following books. 

8. Writing

Writing is an art but it is also a skill that can be learned. If the idea of writing appeals to you too, then you can learn it through these books. 

9. Education

Education doesn’t end with school or college. You need to keep educating yourself throughout your life. And these books will help you do just that. 

10. Storytelling

Like writing, storytelling is also a skill that can be learned. And a very helpful skill at that. Read the following books to get the knack of storytelling.

These are some of the books you can definitely read to expand your mind and solve whatever problems life throws at you. Even if you can’t read all of them, you should surely try some of them. Pick the one that suits you the best and dive into the world of possibilities. 

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