Disgusting Video Of Man Slapping A Dog For Not ‘Writing’ ABCD Goes Viral. Who’s The ‘Animal’ Here?

Akancha Miharia

How dumb does someone need to be to start forcing their pet to learn writing skills?

A video has gone viral where a man can be seen forcing his dog to write ‘ABCD’ and continuously slapping it at its inability to do so.


The man in the video is clutching the dog’s paws and dictating letters to it. Whenever the dog looks away, the man punishes it by slapping it until the dog manages to free itself from the man’s grip.


What’s even more disconcerting is that the 29-second video was being circulated on Twitter and other social media platforms as a fodder for memes and under the banner of ‘funny videos’.


However, now people are seeing the brutality behind the deed and YouTube pulled down the original video from its site following an outrage.


 The way the man is beating the mute animal is really horrifying and disturbing!

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