It is a dark day for us as a country as Tigress Avni was hunted down in cold blood and killed last night. And we are collectively mourning the unnecessary loss of the 5-year-old mother of two.
The Twitter-verse is enraged, and rightly so. And here’s what they have to say about the nation’s grave loss.
This is the most shameful thing
We live in a society where poor animals are killed instead of showing mercy by capturing themWe live in a country where there are MERCY petitions for Terrorist and not for a mother of 10 months old cubs #Avni @INCIndia@SMungantiwar @Dev_Fadnavis— pravin chheda (@chheda_pravin) November 3, 2018
Murdrs, Rapists and othr criminls get trial before being punishd and are relelasd if offence nt provd beyond reasonabl doubt but can kill a tiger for being suspect of being man eater No princpl of naturl justic for nature itslf SAD #Avni #TigressAvni #savetiger
#EqualityForAll— tungesh (@tungesh_adv) November 3, 2018