These New Police Recruits In Taiwan Are So Damn Cute, You Won’t Stop Looking At Them

Grace Bains

Dogs are always cute but puppers are even cuter! They have this ability to make your heart melt even when they’re doing something as basic as yawning. But if trained properly, these puppers can grow out to be police dogs who could help their unit put criminals behind bars.

And we guess that is exactly why a police department situated in Taiwan decided to recruit 6 new members.

That’s not all, because they’ve been named too! Fushin, Schumann, Feida, Yige, AJ, and Liang are going to grow up and be detection dogs just like their parents. 

With one cream coloured and five black labs, the criminals need to get scared already!

Thunder Dungeon

Here’s a photo of them casually resting on a police car and getting used to the work life. 

Fushin may not be able to open those tiny eyes right now but the unit has already decided that this cream-coloured baby will be a blood detection dog.

And the captain of the unit told BuzzFeed News, “Fushin is very special. He is the naughtiest and the bossiest.”

The captain also told that these tiny little babies are already being trained to become police officers.

They’re so tiny and cute that you’d almost explode if you keep looking at them!

They’re all growing up to be good boys!

All photos via NPA4U

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