COVID-19 has all of us in quarantine. And even though most of us are losing our marbles after day 6 of isolation, there are some family members that couldn’t be happier (or plain confused). I’m talking about our pets.
These hilarious yet adorable pictures and videos that people are sharing of their pets has us all going ‘awww’
1. “Because fitness is life… even during these times, Karen.”
2. Give it to our desi moms to have a lecture up their sleeve at any given point of time.
3. Social distancing tips 101.
4. These furbabies are definitely not letting quarantine put their spirits down.
5. Zzzz…
6. Safety boop coming your way!
7. “I miss malls, man.”
8. “Get out of my house peasants!”
9. “This is knot funny anymore.”
10. “We protecc.”
You’re welcome. And while you can’t stop aww-ing, remember to stay safe and give your lil babies lots of kisses while you quarantine!