The Internet’s Favourite Kitten, Dan Zai Will Melt Your Heart Into A Puddle Of Mush

Pradamini Kumari

Take a break from whatever you are doing right now and look at these cute pictures of Dan Zai, the adorable kitten, who is grabbing eyeballs on the internet for his pink fur. 

This cute, cuddly kitten’s name translates to egg baby, which is quite sweet. And he has a skin condition called heterochromia so, that probably explains why he has pink fur.

This munchkin’s cute expressions, charm, sweet gestures and ‘up to no good’ attitude is melting the internet’s heart and making us fall in love with him even more. 

We unfortunately don’t know much about him but we do have some adorable pictures of this cutie that we’d like to share with you, because why not? Take a look. 

A total darling! 

All images sourced from here.

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