Kurdish Man Captured Smashing Cake On A Pet Lion’s Face, Netizens Roar Animal Abuse


In a viral video, a Kurdish man was captured smashing a cake on the face of a pet lion, rescued as a cub.

The video uploaded by a Twitter user, Daniel Schneider, is receiving a lot of outrage on social media for ‘animal abuse’.

In the video, a group of men is sitting around the lion, when one of them throws an entire cake on the face of the animal. As the humans around it laugh, the lion shakes its head and tries to get the cake off its face.

Netizens are furious over the actions of the men in the video-

The person smashing the cake is identified as Blend Brifkani, Head of a local NGO called the Kurdish American Cooperation Organisation and the lion is apparently known as Leo.


Responding to the flak around his act, Brifkani shared an Instagram post, where he apologised for letting his ’emotions of excitement’ take over him. He said that the animal is a ‘very best friend’ of his-

I have never intentionally intended to abuse Leo, moreover, I would never want to hurt him in any way. The birthday video of me and Leo was pure emotions of overwhelmingness and excitement that I had while celebrating his birthday. He has grown to be my very best friend and I love him beyond words

Read the post here-

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