Gurugram Girl Helps Couple Find Their Missing Dog But She’s Refusing The ₹2 Lakh Reward

Shabdita Pareek

Only a pet lover can understand the pain a dog parent goes through if their beloved pooch goes missing. For Venus and Rick Green, an Australian couple residing in Gurugram, it was pure agony and pain when their lovely pet Rexy went missing. 

Horrified by the recent reports of a pet dog being kidnapped, killed and eaten, they immediately announced a cash reward of ₹2 lakh for whoever finds their dog.

Naturally, considering the sum of money, people actively began searching for the dog. And one girl did find him. But guess what? The selfless lady simply refused to accept the prize teaching us that not everyone helps others looking for a favour in return.

While Rick Green is employed with an American company, Venus is a fashion designer. The couple, who own another dog named Victoria, adopted Rexy from a shelter home in April after Venus’ insistence that they bring home a dog from the street.

When Rexy went missing, Rick posted it on social media and also announced a cash reward of ₹2 lakh. Many people called them with information about their dog but none of it could lead them to Rexy, until they received a call from a girl who had spotted the same dog as theirs near her parking lot.

As reported by the Hindustan Times, Rick Green said:

“My dog was out in the streets for the past two-and-a-half days. The girl rang me up to say she had spotted Rexy near the parking area of her society. She said she spotted my pet while walking her dog.” 

But the girl’s mother straightaway refused the cash reward! Now, Rick is planning to go meet the girl and convince her to keep the money. He further said:

“We will go to see the girl on Wednesday and try to convince her mother to accept the reward. However, if she refuses to take the money, I will donate the amount to an animal charity.”
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