Looking At These Pictures Of Dogs Wearing Sunglasses Is The Perfect Way To Start Your Monday

Raunaq Bhatti

Now that summer is soon gonna come to end, these doggos wearing sunglasses are here to help you remember the good times you spent this summer. 

The doggo is everything I want to be in life, and more. 

Just a happy doggo enjoying his day by the pool. 

This fluffer looks like he would have rocked a leather jacket, and I am all for it. 

This pretty girl is the talk of the whole beach.

This diva is ready to rock the party! Where the BBQ at?

Don’t ever forget your sunnies in long car rides.

This cool boy is ready for a long day at the beach. 

How is this cutie more photogenic than I am?

How is this doggo so good-looking? I might have a crush on him.

This doggo by the lake is making me so jealous. *brb booking flight tickets asap*

What an adorable twinning moment!

This little pupper looks too cute to be real. Are we sure it’s not a toy?

It is beach day for Toby! Can we join?

Seriously, how are all these doggos so ridiculously photogenic?

BFFs who chill together stay together!

Even I love naps, doggo. Same.

This girl is one in a melon.

Why does this pupper looks like she is living a better life than I am? Why do I want to be her?

Just a handsome boy looking handsome, that’s all. 

This little pupper is the queen of summer nightlife, and that’s the tea. 

Oh please excuse him, he just walked right out of a Vogue photoshoot.

All these good-looking doggos. Sigh. 

Luna is giving all these boys a run for their money. You go, girl!

This golden, gorgeous girl is the very mood of summer. 

You don’t wanna mess with this badass girl right here. 

Remember Sharpay from High School Musical? Yep, this is her as a dog. No questions. 

Let the good times roll. 

I bet he goes to all the cool parties we’ll never get invited to.

Man, I really want to be this lucky girl. 

Handsome boy? Check. Sunnies? Check. Fun? Double check!

Okay, that’s enough of doggos in sunglasses. To end, here are sunglasses in a doggo. 

These babies are definitely cool for the summer, you’re welcome.

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